Stop putting off the little things – why micro-management might be the answer

As a business owner, you often find yourself pulled in different directions by competing responsibilities. Assessing your to-do list and tasks and tackling the more time-consuming ones can feel daunting. But why is it so hard for us to start – or even finish – seemingly insignificant tasks? Why do these tiny tasks become the bane of our existence, tempting us into procrastination limbo? Let’s explore why we get stuck on even the most minuscule duties and how that might hold us back.

Understanding the psychology behind procrastination

Procrastination plagues many people. It’s a common problem that often leaves people feeling frustrated with themselves. But what if we could understand the psychology behind procrastination and use that knowledge to overcome it? At its core, procrastination is linked to negative emotions like stress, anxiety, and fear of failure. By avoiding or delaying a task, we temporarily alleviate these unpleasant feelings. However, this relief is short-lived and ultimately only creates more stress. By being aware of this pattern and learning how to manage negative emotions, we can break free from the cycle of procrastination and become more productive.

Breaking down the task into small, manageable parts

When faced with a daunting task, it can feel overwhelming, even to know where to start. However, the key is often found by breaking down the task into small, manageable parts. By dividing larger projects into smaller, more achievable tasks, we can focus our attention and energy on one step at a time, leading to a greater sense of progress and accomplishment. Whether it be a work assignment or a personal goal, taking a moment to map out the necessary steps and tackle them individually can make all the difference in achieving success. So next time you’re feeling stuck, take a breath and ask yourself: what’s the next small step I can take?

Using rewards as incentives to get started

When it comes to getting things done, sometimes all it takes is a little extra motivation. That’s where rewards can come in handy as an incentive to get started. Whether it’s a tasty treat, a fun activity, or even some well-deserved relaxation time, a reward can give you that extra push to begin tackling a task. Studies have shown that implementing a reward system can increase productivity and help you achieve your goals faster. So why not give it a try? Choose a reward that suits you and your task at hand, and see how much more motivated you feel to get started.

Finding out what your specific procrastination triggers are

Have you ever found yourself staring blankly at your to-do list, unable to muster the motivation to tackle any tasks? Identifying your procrastination triggers can be the key to overcoming it. Maybe certain types of tasks are more daunting to you, or you get easily distracted by social media or other forms of entertainment. Whatever it may be, pinpointing your personal procrastination triggers can help you create a strategy to combat them and finally get back on track. 

Developing a plan and timeline for success

Success isn’t something that happens overnight. It requires careful planning and a well-thought-out timeline. Whether it’s starting a business or working towards a personal goal, having a plan in place is essential. The first step in creating a successful plan is to define your goals and establish the time frame in which you want to achieve them. It’s crucial to take the time to map out the smaller steps needed to reach your ultimate objective and assign realistic deadlines to each of them. Along the way, it’s also important to evaluate your progress regularly and make necessary adjustments to your timeline or plan. With a clear plan and timeline in place, success is within reach.

Planning to avoid distractions or delays

In our fast-paced world, distractions seem to lurk at every corner. The constant buzz of notifications, the temptation to check social media, and the never-ending stream of emails can quickly derail our day. The solution? Planning to avoid these distractions and any potential delays. By setting clear goals, creating a schedule, and arranging your workspace in a way that helps you focus, you can reduce the distractions that come your way and stay on track towards achieving your objectives. With some forethought and discipline, you can turn your day from one filled with distractions and delays to one of focused productivity.

Letting go of perfectionism and allowing yourself to make mistakes

When we strive for perfection, we can push ourselves to do our best. However, this can also prevent us from growing personally. The pressure to be perfect can make us scared of failing and hold us back, limiting our potential. To progress, we must remember that making mistakes is a natural part of learning. We gain insight and experience from them that we wouldn’t otherwise have. To embrace our imperfections, we need to change our mindset. By acknowledging our flaws and being open to making mistakes, we can move forward with confidence and creativity.

What next?

Ultimately, it is important to remember that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to overcoming procrastination. People are inherently different and have different needs and motivations regarding goal setting and habit formation. The key is to be patient with yourself and accept that change takes time.

Use rewards, identify your triggers, create a plan and timeline for success, set up a system to avoid delays or distractions, and give yourself grace for mistakes. You’ll be able to achieve your goals and accomplish them faster than ever before!


If you’re struggling with bookkeeping or accounting tasks, and if it’s taking up too much of your time, let’s chat. We can assist you in getting this job done, freeing up your time to move on to the next task. Please send us an email at and we’ll help you check this item off your to-do list.